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Intelligence Research Center

The Intelligence Research Center at the Institute of Public and Administrative Law at University of Cologne deals with legal issues of German domestic and foreign intelligence services. Its activities also include relevant events as well as advising the media and public authorities.

German Foreign Intelligence Headquarters (© BND)

With the establishment of the Intelligence Research Center at the Institute of Public and Administrative Law under the direction of Professor Markus Ogorek in the summer of 2024, University of Cologne has recognized the increased importance of security law in the so called "Zeitenwende". Luca Manns is responsible for the management. The involvement of Honorary Professor Günter Krings as former Parliamentary State Secretary responsible for public security in the Federal Ministry of the Interior underlines the practical orientation of the Research Center.

The German intelligence agencies are confronted with an increase of activities in all areas: from right-wing extremist forces such as the AfD party to terrorist efforts from the Reichsbürger and self-administration scene - such as the "Reuß Group" - to Islamist and foreign extremist acts of violence, also in light of the military operation in Gaza. Furthermore, the formation of small, highly violent groups can be observed in left-wing extremism – and last but not least, foreign powers are engaging in espionage activities in Germany at a level similar to that of the "Cold War". All of these threats are now also finding their way into the digital space, for example in cyber attacks or disinformation campaigns, and thus confront the intelligence services in an additional dimension.

In view of these new and growing threat scenarios, there is a need for adapted and contemporary legal solutions that must also meet high constitutional requirements. In this context, the Intelligence Research Center at University of Cologne makes a contribution by

  • Participating in the legislative process through statements and hearings,
  • accompanying legislation and official practice through legal publications,
  • advising governmental institutions in general and in specific individual cases,
  • explaning relevant events for the press and media,
  • networking academia with relevant public authorities and their supervisory bodies.

In addition to bilateral and non-public activities, the Research Center also carries out external projects. These include the organization of a specialist public conference format for young researchers with a strong practical focus – the Kölner Forum Nachrichtendienste – as well as the creation of a new handbook on intelligence law with the broad involvement of both university and governmental actors. In all of this, the Research Center is integrated into the processes of the Institute of Public and Administrative Law and uses its resources.


Luca Manns, M.A.

University of Cologne
Intelligence Research Center
Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany

Telephone +49 (0)221 470-76544
Fax +49 (0)221 470-76570
E-mail Luca.Manns(at)